Wednesday, May 24, 2006

hello, night Posted by Picasa

I hate goat cheese~ <BGSOUND SRC="|dc35dfa6d72bcdf9873423ad688292b6">

Well, here i am, drunk and blogging. I know it's wrong but everybody's doing it, so hell with it, and hell with my grammar. The reason I'm writing this is about the goat cheese i'v had with my beer. I have no idea why it tasted so bad ><.

No, im sorry, it's not really about the goat cheese, honey, it's about the beer. Or it's about the score i got for one of my most important English exam. Ha, here it is. I finally spited it out! Yes, it's about the score. lolololol......I'm crazy.

Should I be so crazy? I donno, shouldn't I? So I didn't pass the test, so what?

I was planning to go back and see my partner in another city this summer. I have promised her to go visit her this summer, right after i passed this test. But I didn't. So i will have to wait for a month and take the exam again, and i don't even know if i can pass it then....

I miss her so much, so this means very much to me, as well as to her.

I was talking to her on the phone this afternoon, and i was trying not to cry, but i did....I know, sad. She didn't act very disappointed, but i know she is, at least for not having her by her side this summer. Since she is very busy at work and some other personal problems, she cannot come and visit me.

Anyways....yup, I'm drinking for the 2nd time of my life, and it sucked just like the first time.


Monday, May 22, 2006

lesbian blog it is.. <BGSOUND SRC="|dc35dfa6d72bcdf9873423ad688292b6">

I've been surfing like mad these days, and i'm surprised by what i've found out-- a gay and lesbian family alliance. And the site had this great idea of having all gay and lesbian family bloggers blog about their daily lives. They even named a LGBT family day--june 1, 2006.

This is also the reason i picked up this blog again. I haven't been using it since last year!

Although I'm not a mom yet, me and my partner Leo are looking forward to becoming one. During this time, it's a great opportunity for me to accumulate knowledge about how to become a lesbian mom...